If you feel you are stuck up in your current job or finding difficulty to get good Job or you have financial issues, unstable financial position, business losses, marriage relationship or partnership issues.



Numerology Name Correction will help you to UNLOCK your Shining Future & make your life Smooth & Sailing.

The Numerology of Changing Your Name

Many of us wonder if changing our name can lead to a change in our destinies. After all, we all want the best in life. There can be chances that the name you currently hold fits you perfectly.

Harmonious Connection between Name & DOB

Each letter in numerology is connected with a number. The vibration between the two is calculated with the help of numerological values of the letters and the same is verified with the help of phonics. 

Numerology Science Behind Naming Your Business

The first thing that you do after planning to start a business is to decide a name for it. You look for a name that means something close to you or something that represents your business ideology.

Benefits of The Aligned Lucky Names

Success in Life with Numerological naming can help you to get a head start in life because changing of birth date is impossible, but a Name can be changed if not compatible with birth date.

Make More Money

You will Profit everytime someone takes your Name as it is your strongest Vibration Your Identity

Build Better Relationship

Aligned Names Works like a Charm.  Take control of your Future. Your Family is looking up to you

Get Fame

All successful people have aligned lucky name's and without it you cant reach and hold the Fame.


According to Numerology Science, every letter in your name represent a number, and every number has its vibrations. Your name vibration is a sum total of all the alphabets in your name which has a big influence on your personality and life. Your date of birth has to be in sync with your name because only friendly numbers and its vibration will suit you best and give extraordinary results.

Name correction according to numerology means adding or subtracting an alphabet in your first name or last name so your name is the best name number vibration according to your date of birth.

For the majority of people, it is not aligned name which is causing blockages, financial and relationship problems in life. Name correction according to birth number and destiny number plays a very important role in shaping one’s destiny forever.

The pronunciation of your name will remain the same however you have to use. Successful businessmen, celebrities, respected personalities all have already done their alignment and it proved to be the best decision of their lives. Name correction can resolve all these problems with ease once you have aligned name with date of birth.

No it is not important to change your name in the documentation however. Vvipin Sir will give you proven techniques to embed your subconscious mind with your new corrected name. You will be amazed as how a small correction in spelling of your name can get you big rewards and soon you will find yourself at the right time at the right place.

No one can predict the future except GOD alone. But, yes it can reveal the numbers and planetary vibrations that are influencing your life. By understanding the impact of those numbers, I can conclude the nature of events happening to you and within you at any given time. Also, Numerology is a corrective method that helps you to achieve the best potential in life through Name Correction and Alignment.

Both must be used to know the complete and accurate story of your life.

In numerology, what all I will need from you, is the date of birth; full birth-certificate name; and your first and last name before and after marriage to Create your Life Chart and give you the reading.

Lucky Numbers usually come through the family of Numbers or the Planetary influence that you have in your life. So yes, if these aligning number vibrations are used in life, it will bring in the luck factor.

No, not necessarily, there are so many other components to take into consideration. I have given consultation to so many clients who have incompatible numbers but they are happily married. 

No there is no such thing called good or bad numbers but yes each number is associated with positive and negative energies and needs to be balanced to have a fulfilled life.

Every number is associated with life lessons and challenges to overcome. Though some numbers are more challenging than others and the effect can be Neutralized by an Aligned Name to your Date of Birth. Since you are born to learn and grow from your life experiences here on Earth, although how much you are spiritual, well behaved, healthy, intelligent, there will always be lessons to learn and grow. 

 Vvipinsir , Master Numerologist and World-Renowned Name Expert who is an Experienced Life Coach with more than 7 years in this field.

Once the Funds are Received, Vvipinsir takes about 3-4 days to create your Chart and schedule your Appointment. 

Numerology, Name Correction, and Alignment Discover Your Story, Positive Self Affirmations and Downloads, Healing of Chronic and long term aches and pains, Healing for Mental, Emotional stress and Anxiety, Healing for Relationships, Marriage Problems, Love and Family Relations, Meditation Process

Honestly, it takes about a two to four months for the new vibration of a name to take effect. Once you have successfully aligned with your date of birth you will start noticing results every day. A name change is a very specialized service and it needs a detailed analysis of the name and date of birth of a person. A new name will start sending vibrations in the universe and it will attract natural well being, good relationships, credibility and success.

This will facilitate you to complete any pending tasks, and continue your work in your field of interest sustainably. Keep your focus, practice your name to see the result.

NO, they are NOT the same! Numerology deals with numbers and is a corrective science whereas Astrology is a predictive science. To learn about the spiritual journey and personality of an individual, Astrology is used to study the positions of the planet at the time of native’s birth and how it can influence life on earth. In the case of Numerology, it is completely different. It is the study of numbers and how they can impact our life. 

1 : Number 1 means Individual and Strength .
2 : Number 2 means Cooperation because it bends.
3 : Number 3 means Creative.
4 : Number 4 means Down to earth.
5 : Number 5 means Flexible.
6 : Number 6 means Love and responsible.
7 : Number 7 means Torchbearer.
8 : Number 8 represents a balance between the material and the spiritual world.
9 : Number 9 means It’s about the whole world

1= Sun {1, 10, 19 and 28 born}
2= Moon {2, 11, 20, 29 born}
3= Jupiter {3, 12, 21 and 30 born}
4= Uranus {4, 13, 22 and 31 born}
5= Mercury {5, 14 and 23 born}
6= Venus {6, 15 and 24 born}
7= Neptune {7, 16 and 25 born}
8= Saturn [8, 17 and 26 born}
9= Mars {9, 18 and 27 born}

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I consulted vvipinsir after speaking to him over the phone for our Baby girl. I even went ahead and did a name correction for my 5 year old son . I am very Happy with my decision . It’s been a year , and i have already started noticing the changes in my DS . Keep it up vvipinsir, and guys you must speak to vvipinsir once .

Hemant Jain

I never believed in all this before but my friend recommend them and surprisingly their advice helped me.

Ravindra Adhav Founder - R3SPL Agency

I spoke to Vvipinsir , as he was referred by my Close Friend as a very Competent Numerologist and Name Expert . Initially i was thinking either to go ahead with a Name expert for my lil girl . But after consulting with Vvipinsir , I went ahaed with the Numerology Reading for my whole Family. And Vvipinsir was bang on with everything that she said about my Husband with Family, me and my elder Daughter . I am very impressed by his readings and i went ahead with Name correction for myself as well.

Sharmili Designation

One of the most excellent vastu numerology expert I have ever met like vvipinsir, My personal experience highly beneficial. Results within 60 days, amazing predictions and expert ideas on resolution.God bless

Laxman walke

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